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Punchette News

Punchette soon in acoustic concert in Paris and Liège !

Punchette acoustique

Discover the latest single : Noël En Enfer ! (Christmas In Hell)


Punchette is a Belgian musical project in the French punk-rock style that originated in a mother-daughter delirium. The daughter (myself) composed a few riffs and the mother tried to come up with some amusing lyrics, to which the daughter added her two cents. Creating a challenge to come up with the funniest verses.

Initially, not knowing what style I was composing, it was during a music workshop organized by the Flémalle youth center that I learned that my songs were punk. My reaction was: “Well, why not? And so Punchette was born, recording its first compositions at the youth center and taking its first steps on stage.

In January 2023, Nadège aka Punchette had the pleasure of announcing the birth of her solo project. Her first singles were produced, mixed and mastered in Liège by Sacha Delone, and are already being played on radio stations around the world (USA, Japan, France, Belgium).

This new adventure, which aims to raise public awareness of certain things I find shocking or revolting, but in a “fun” and “punchy” way, also aims to lead to the creation of an EP.

All news from Punchette


Hypocrisy already in 2nd place in a TOP 10, according to Mike Rogers!

Hypocrisy broadcast in Japan, UK and Los Angeles

Hypocrisy on WFMU radio in New York (USA)

Official release of second single: “Hyprocrisie” on August 29, 2023

New single with video clip in progress !

First radio interview on AFM Amay 106.3

Punchette lends her voice to the new SuperGlam single

Pollution ranked in the TOP 3 new clips, in Japan !?

Pollution on a radio station in Florida (USA)

Want to know more about Punchette? The page is available

Pollution video lyrics now available

Pollution on a radio in Phoenix (USA)

After less than 1 month, Pollution already has 600 views !

Pollution in the TOP 10, according to California radio station Punk Rock !!!!

Punchette’s eco-responsible and recyclable banner has arrived !

First time in the USA, on a Californian radio station !!!

Discover the 4 bloopers from the Pollution clip

Discover the 4 making of Pollution clip

First broadcast on AFM radio 106.3

First single Pollution with video, of course !

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